Monday, January 14, 2008

#19 Explore a Web 2.0 site

So many sites, so little time!
Went for the short list. Spring widgets, and Yourminis - The first was confusing - did not explain too much. Yourminis was slightly better. The sharing factor is big. I'm sure we could apply widgets to our working life. Also looked at Goowy - personalise your online desktop, or as they tell us Goowy enables you to "manage your digital life and express youself on the web." Sounds like you could create a desktop with instant links, RSS feeds, news updates, online messaging etc etc and etc. The most relevant site that I could relate to my work, is of course Library Thing. After wading through widget world, sharing heaven, twitterland, lists and lists, coming upon Library thing warmed my heart! What is obvious from this exploration of WEb 2.0 sites, is that the world is becoming a smaller place, compliments of the WWW.

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